
There is So Much to Be Thankful For

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Thanksgiving is one of my very favorite holidays.
I love the food, the gathering of friends and family and the chance to reflect on what has happened since last Thanksgiving. In a world that seems to get busier and busier, it is easy to forget what is truly important in our lives and even harder to take the time to enjoy those things. This break in the high speed day to day lives we are living is a wonderful opportunity to get back in touch with ourselves and those who we value highly.

This year in particular, I am most grateful for my family and friends. We have had an addition just recently, my brother in law and sister in law have moved to California from their long time home in Chicago. It is so great to have more family at hand. I hope you all get a chance to meet them.

I also want to express my gratitude for those of you who I know through Gainer Financial. Our clients, prospective clients, associates, vendors and colleagues keep us energized, stimulated and on our toes. I appreciate the challenges and successes that you share with me. Your input, intellect and perspectives keep us in a frame of mind to always try and do better. I learn from each of you and I thank you for all that you share with me. Keep on challenging, it keeps me young!

I especially want to thank my clients.  I appreciate that you share your life hopes, dreams and challenges with me. It is an honor that you have selected me to help secure your future. I take that responsibility very seriously, and will continue to do my best to improve and validate that trust every day.

Finally, I express my gratitude for Davi and Matt. It can be both a blessing and a challenge to work with family. It is a great thing to have a family that works together, and is still able to play together, and share good times.

I wish all of you a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday.  I encourage you to take full advantage of the opportunity to reflect and be grateful for all the wonderful things in your life. I look forward to seeing you soon!


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